How to share a Twitter post on Facebook

Twitter and Facebook are the two most popular social networks with millions of users. If you have a blog or use Twitter and Facebook frequently, you may want to cross-post between the two platforms from time to time. Cross-posting is the process of posting a message from one social media platform to another. Many bloggers and social media users like to post between social media platforms in order to reach as many viewers as possible for their posts. Cross-posting also allows the user to avoid re-posting the same post on another social network. This makes it easy to post a video from Twitter to Facebook and can help you reach the largest possible audience. However, Twitter no longer supports posting Twitter messages to Facebook, and you can no longer automatically post tweets to Facebook. Many social media platforms allow you to access the cross-sharing feature, and Twitter used to allow cross-sharing features such as automatic posting from Facebook to Twitter. In this guide, we will discuss the ways to post Twitter messages to Facebook from your PC and Android device. We will also discuss ways to post from Facebook to Twitter.

How to share a Twitter post on Facebook

Keep reading to learn in detail about how to share a post on Twitter to Facebook.

Can I share a Twitter post to Facebook?

Previously, Twitter allowed its users to post messages between Twitter and Facebook. However, as of 2018, the automatic posting feature on Facebook is no longer supported. Previously, if you wanted to post a tweet to your Facebook account, you just had to follow a few simple steps to allow Facebook posts from Twitter. Since the automatic posting from Twitter feature is no longer available, users have to try other ways to post from Twitter to Facebook. In the following sections, we have collected all the possible methods that you can use to post a Twitter message to Facebook.

How to share a tweet on Facebook manually from PC

Since we have already set the automatic posting to Twitter option disabled, you will have to manually post to Twitter on your Facebook page. Below are the steps to manually post from Twitter to Facebook.

1. Open a web browser and sign in to your Twitter account.

2. Navigate to the message you want to share and click the share icon.

3. Now click "Copy Link to Tweet".

4. In a new tab, open your Facebook account.

5. Here, click on the field What's on your mind.

6. Paste the Twitter post link into the Create Post text box.

7. Finally, click Post to post the tweets to Facebook.

This is the easiest way to post a video from Twitter to Facebook if you use Twitter on your Android device. Keep reading to find ways to share Twitter messages to Facebook from your Android device. Also, keep reading to find methods to automatically post from Facebook to Twitter.

How to share a tweet on Facebook manually from Android

Sharing a post on Twitter on the Facebook timeline is easy and can be done in a few simple steps. However, if you have an Android device, you can copy the Twitter post link from the Twitter app to post it to Facebook.

Note. Since smartphones do not have the same settings and they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, make sure you set the settings correctly before changing them. The following methods apply to the Moto G60 smartphone.

1. Open Twitter from the phone menu.

2. Navigate to the tweet you want to post on Facebook and tap the share icon.

3. Here, find and tap the Facebook News Feed option.

4. Finally, click POST to share the tweet on your Facebook profile.

You can also post a video from Twitter to Facebook on your Android device by following the steps above.

How to Privately Share a Tweet on Facebook

If you want to share a tweet with one of your Facebook friends privately, you can do so by sharing the link to the post on Twitter with them. Below are the steps to share a Twitter post on Facebook privately with a Facebook friend.

1. Open a web browser and sign in to your Twitter account.

2. Navigate to the message you want to share and click the share icon.

3. Here, click "Copy Link to Tweet".

4. In a new tab, open your Facebook account.

5. Click the New Message icon.

6. Find a friend and paste the tweet link into the chat window.

7. Press the Enter key to send a message and tweet privately on Facebook.

If you want to share a video from Twitter to Facebook privately with a Facebook friend, you can do so by sharing the link privately. Read the next section to see if you can automatically post messages from Facebook to Twitter and find ways to post messages from Facebook to Twitter.

How to share a Facebook post on Twitter

You can also share your Facebook posts on Twitter. However, keep in mind that Twitter has character and word limits for a tweet. So refrain from posting long Facebook messages on Twitter. The best solution is to share the link to the post on Facebook. To do this, you can use the following simple steps.

1. Войдите в свой Фейсбук учетная запись.

2. Теперь перейдите к публикации в Facebook, которой вы хотите поделиться в Twitter.

3. Здесь нажмите на время и дату публикации, чтобы открыть отдельную публикацию.

4. Make sure the published privacy is set to public.

5. Now copy the link from the search bar.

6. Now in a new tab, open and sign in to your Twitter account.

7. Click "What's going on?". text box and paste the copied link.

8. Finally, click "Tweet" to share the post on your Twitter timeline.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. Can I post to Twitter and Facebook at the same time?

The Twitter to Facebook cross-posting service has been discontinued as of 2018. So you can no longer post on both platforms at the same time.

Q2. Can I add my Facebook account to my Twitter account?

As well as. No, you can no longer add your Facebook account to your Twitter account. However, this feature is still available for some platforms such as WordPress.

Q3. How can I exchange messages between Twitter and Facebook?

Answer Since the auto-sharing option is no longer available, you can try sharing messages across the two platforms by sharing a link to the message.

Q4. How to share a Facebook post to Twitter?

Answer To share a Facebook post to Twitter, you can simply copy the URL of the Twitter post and post it to your timeline.

Q5. Can I share a tweet with a friend on Facebook?

Answer Yes, you can copy the tweet link and paste it into a message box to share it with your Facebook friend.


We hope you found this guide useful and that you were able to understand how to share a Twitter post on Facebook. Let us know which method worked for you. If you have any suggestions for us, please let us know in the comments section.

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