What is the Facebook Wave feature?

Facebook is a great platform for chatting and finding friends. Since its release in 2004, it has brought together friends and families from all over the world. It is a sharing platform where you can post a photo, message, status, your location and more. The best thing about Facebook is its messaging feature, which allows you to stay in touch with your friends on the platform. In particular, waving your hand in chat is the best way to start a conversation. If you're not familiar with this new feature recently added by Facebook, then you've come to the right place. In today's guide, we will discuss the Facebook wave feature, how to use it across platforms, and all other important details about it. Also, we will answer the most frequently asked question about this feature, which is, is flirting on Facebook flirting? So, stay with us until the end of the guide and start learning about the waves on Facebook in detail.

What is the Facebook Wave feature?

  • The wave feature on Facebook involves sending a wave emoji to someone in a chat.
  • This wave emoji is an easy way to say hello to your Facebook friend.
  • This is a great opportunity to start a conversation in the Facebook Messenger app.
  • Previously, Facebook had a poke feature, which has now been replaced by a wave.
  • The function can be used both on a desktop computer and on a mobile phone.
  • Sending a waving emoji to a friend or family member means you want to talk to them.

Is waving on Facebook flirting?

No, waving your hand on Facebook is not considered flirting. It can be a simple act of a person who wants to start a conversation with you. Some people also send a wave to their new friends to get to know them. Also, sometimes a person can unintentionally send a wave due to Facebook's automatic notification that the wave has been sent. Thus, waving your hand on Facebook cannot be considered flirting in any way.

How to wave in Facebook Messenger

There are different ways and devices on which you access the Facebook app and send wave emoji to your friends. Let's take a look at the steps below to send a wave emoji using the Messenger app:

Note. The steps below were performed on Vivo 1920 (Android).

1. Launch the Facebook Messenger app on your smartphone.

2. Now log into your Facebook account using the correct credentials.

3. Now click on the People tab below.

4. Now you can see your active or online friends.

5. Select a friend and click on the emoji icon.

6. Now find and tap the Wave emoji.

7. Finally, click on the send icon.

How to Use Facebook Wave Emoji in Facebook App

Now that you know how to wave on Facebook Messenger, it's time to explore this great feature on the Facebook app as well. Basically, Android or iOS users manage Facebook through its application, which can be installed on phones. So, you can use the wave feature in the Facebook app by following these steps:

Note. The following steps have been completed on an iPhone.

1. Launch the Facebook app on your smartphone.

2. Now click the Messenger icon in the top right corner.

3. Now in the active or online tab above and select a friend.

4. Open the emoji icon in chat.

5. Now select the wave emoji in it and click "Submit".

How to use the Facebook Wave feature on desktop

You can also use the wave feature on your desktop using your Facebook account. Some people prefer a large screen and therefore prefer to manage Facebook on the web through their laptop/computer. You can send a wave icon from your desktop by doing the following:

1. Launch the Facebook website in the browser of your choice.

2. Now sign in to your account using the correct email address and password.

3. Now click the Messenger icon in the top right corner.

4. Click on the three-dot icon next to your Facebook friend's name.

5. Now click Open in Messenger.

6. Click on the emoji icon in an open chat.

7. Find the wave icon in it and click on it.

8. Finally, click the submit icon.

How can I cancel a wave in Facebook Messenger

As you already know, Facebook continues to notify you when sending a wave to new friends added to the platform. Therefore, there is a high probability that you will send a wave to someone by mistake. In this case, you will want to cancel this wave using the steps below:

1. Open the chat of the person you are sending the wave to in the Messenger app.

2. Now press and hold the sent wave to bring up the pop-up menu. Click More.

3. Then click the "Delete" button to undo the action.

How can I send back a Facebook Wave emoticon

You can even get an emoji from one of your new Facebook friends. In this case, you must send the wave emoji back to start a Facebook chat conversation. If you don't know how to send wave emoji back, follow these steps:

1. Open a chat window for the friend you want to send a reply wave to.

2. You will receive a message that your friend is waving to you.

3. Now click to wave back.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. What happens when you send a wave to someone on Facebook?

Reply When sending a wave to someone on Facebook, the person will receive your message and will likely send you a wave in response.

Q2. Does Facebook automatically send a wave to new friends?

Answer When you add a new friend, Facebook sends you a notification where you get an automatic wave that you can send to your friend.

Q3. Can I cancel a wave on Facebook?

Answer Yes, you can cancel a wave on Facebook by following the steps in the document above.

Q4. How can you test Facebook waves?

Answer You can check Facebook Waves by opening the People tab in Messenger. You can then open an unread chat and check the wave sent to you.

Q5. What does the waving hand emoji mean on Facebook?

Reply The waving hand emoji on Facebook means hello or goodbye. It can be used to start or end a conversation.

We hope that our guide on what is the Facebook wave feature was useful for you and you learned about the different ways and devices through which you can send wave emoji to your Facebook friends. If you have any questions, doubts, or suggestions, you can leave them in the comments section below for us to read.

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